Butchart Arch
 Butchart Arch     Mr. Rudow's name for this arch. Technically, it is un-named; but Dr. Harvey Butchart pinpointed its location during a visit in 1967. Harvey was a professor of mathematics at Northern Arizona University besides being a famous hiker in the Grand Canyon. See an excellent bio on Wikpedia.
The arch is located at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in Muav Canyon. The arch is accessed by hiking the North Bass Trail. The trailhead at Swamp Point is accessed by taking the Swamp Ridge 4wd trail west from Rt. 67 (you will need a detailed map to find this trail).
Hike down the North BassTrail about a mile and a half until you come to the Redwall Limestone formation. Here, the trail traverses the top of the Redwall on the right side of the Canyon. Instead of following the trail here, it is necessary to rappel down the middle of Muav Canyon through the Redwall slot. After a second rappel, the arch is visible in a wonderfully beautiful "room". UTM 12S 378737E 4019393N (NAD 83/WGS84). The arch has a span of about 40 ft. Mr. Rudow states that an oblique view of the arch may be visible from the trail along the top of the Redwall; but he is not certain about this. For the hiker not into technical climbing, it would be worth a look.
Log on to Mr. Rudow's beautiful photographs of this hike on his Picasa Photo Gallery.
Before attempting this hike, check with the park service for any necessary permits or precautions.

Photo and directions by Rich Rudow

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