Footbridge Arch
NABSQNO 32Q 648732 2616120 Algeria

ALG-323, Footbridge Arch, Upper Alidemma Area. 9.2 meter span, main opening (measured). GPS 32Q 648732 2616120. From the view of ALG-297 (Double Lintel Arch), proceed on the tracks 300 meters north toward Alidemma Oued and stop for a good view of ALG-303 (Panorama Arch) located up on the rock on the right. From there, Panorama Arch is directly accessible by climbing the big sand dune against the face of the rock. Nevertheless, it is a strenous climb due to the big sloped dune. From this point, continue 2.3 km north into the canyon entrance and the Oued Alidemma to a minor rock art site on the left. Check with your guide. A close good landmark is a big rectangular block split in two parts. From the rock art, climb up an obvious little drainage northwest 10 minutes to this arch. This double arch can be seen from the canyon floor. Only the main opening is visible in the photo.

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