Marker Arch
NABSQNO 32Q 668544 2601716 Algeria

ALG-311, Marker Arch, Menkhor Area. 8.8 meters span (measured). GPS 32Q 668544 2601716. This arch is the first opening that can be seen up on the rock when arriving at the Menkhor site (3 minutes before a good look at Menkhor Arch). From Menkhor Arch go back toward the Oued and drive north to the bowl located behind the Menkhor Arch site. Then drive into the bowl to the bottom that is encircled by big sand dunes, staying on the left side of the rocks. Bypass the spires by driving the sandy tracks northwest into a hidden corridor (the only option) up to a field of sand dunes and rock masses. Now drive south 400 meters to the top edge of the cliff. Leave the jeep and find the arch on the top edge with less than 3 minutes hiking.

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