NABSQNO 32R 489334 2757350 Algeria
ALG-475, Circle Arch I. 30.0 meter span (measured). GPS 32R 489334 2757350. On road N3 89 km north of Djanet T-junction (see road log), leave the paved road at KM post 2021 (signed Oued Tananet) and drive tracks northeast along Oued Tananet for 20 minutes to 3 "Zeribas" (shepherd huts). From there, leave Oued Tananet and drive east 3 km on the flat and park. Note that ALG-476 (Circle Arch II) is visible from the parking spot giving to you a good idea where the arch is located. From a big Acacia tree, hike up a goat trail 20 minutes to the arch. This is a monumental arch eroded in a colossal half-circle rock mass. Hence the name. Each side of the main opening has another arch. The left side contains ALG-476 and the right side contains a very nice natural tunnel making this place a great spot. |
Next Arch ALG-476