Natural Arches of Tassili National Park |
Index Page 35 - Other Arches |
ALG-262, Timras Arch, Timras Area. 6.0 meter span, 2.0
meter height (measured). GPS 32R 532562 2717790. This arch is located
in Timras area in the plain level of the Tassili Spur. The area of Timras
can be reached by driving numerous interwining sandy tracks starting near
ALG-66, or a longer route from the scenic paved
road described with ALG-2 . The arch is accessible
by jeep. Consult a guide to know how to get there, or track down the arch
with the GPS coordinates provided. Timras means "tooth" in the Tamahaq
dialect. This area has natural splendor reminiscent of Monument Valley.
Aerial and other photos of the Timras area can be found here. |
ALG-263, Jefamoud Arch,
Jefamoud Area. 18 meter span (estimated). GPS 32R 515466 2736119. This
arch is located in the Jefamoud area in the level plain of Tassili Spur.
This area is located north of Timras area and south of Tikoubaouïne area.
The arch is accessible by jeep. However, numerous interwining sandy tracks
are confusing and prevent any route description. Consult a guide to know
how to get there and track down the arch with GPS coordinates. |
ALG-264, unnamed arch 62, north of Timras Area. 6.9
meter span, 6.3 meter height (measured). GPS 32R 525879 2726688. This
arch is located on the level plain of the Tassili Spur north of Timras
area. The arch is accessible by jeep via numerous intertwining and confusing
sandy tracks through labyrinthine rock masses. |
ALG-442, Tililine Arch, Tililine area. 4 meter span (estimated). Tililine area is located just southeast of the Tikoubaouine area and it is accessible by jeep via paved road from Djanet to Borj-El-Haous. Once in the area go to GPS point 32R 514686E 2741756N
where an alcove type natural arch is located up on the rock. From there walk north 900 meters
to Tililine Arch located up on the rock. The photo was taken from above to show the landscape
around the arch. |
ALG-443, Debris Arch, Tililine area. 6.5 meter span (measured).
From ALG-442 (Tililine Arch), walk 400 meters north and look for the arch visible up on the rock (east). Climbing to the arch is steep but not difficult. The arch is located close to the Oued
Emahrachali. Check with your guide. |
ALG-444, Tamasak Arch, Tamasak area. Main opening 4.8 meter span, 3.5 meter height (both
GPS 32R 517749 2739169.
Tamasak area is close to Tililine area and it is accessible by jeep. Use GPS coordinate to locate this
double arch. Tamasak area is the starting point for dromedary trip across Tassili spur and back to
Djanet. From this point, the author took 6 hours of hiking to reach Itilaoulaoutine Area (ALG-446 and
ALG-447). |
ALG-445, Arc de Triomphe, Tamasak area. 8 meter height (estimated).
This arch is located 100 meters to the east of Tamasak Arch (ALG-444). Photo taken at sunset. |
ALG-446, Itilaoulaoutine Arch, Itilaoulaoutine area. 9.8 meter span, 7.2 meter height (both
GPS 32R 521120 2740954. This beautiful arch is located in Itilaoulaoutine area on the side of the oued (wash) of the same name and close to a cave containing some painting. This area can be reached from Tililine area via a six hour hike. Tililine area is accessible by jeep and usually a dromedary caravan is used to come to Itilaoulaoutine area. A guide is obligatory by park rules. |
ALG-447, Ostrich Rock Arch, Itilaoulaoutine Area. 7.8 meters span (measured).
GPS 32R 520428 2741579. From Itilaoulaoutine Arch (ALG-446) walk north in Oued Itilaoulaoutine for 800 meters and find this arch just above the wash in the rock masses. The arch is located close to a small pillar arch up on the rock. |
ALG-475, Circle Arch I. 30.0 meter span (measured). GPS 32R 489334 2757350. On road N3 89 km north of Djanet T-junction (see road log), leave the paved road at KM post 2021
(signed Oued Tananet) and drive tracks northeast along Oued Tananet for 20 minutes to 3 "Zeribas"
(shepherd huts). From there, leave Oued Tananet and drive east 3 km on the flat and park. Note that ALG-476 (Circle Arch II) is visible from the parking spot giving to you a good idea where the arch is located. From a big Acacia tree, hike up a goat trail 20 minutes to the arch. This is a
monumental arch eroded in a colossal half-circle rock mass. Hence the name. Each side of the main opening has another arch. The left side contains ALG-476 and the right side contains a very nice
natural tunnel making this place a great spot.
ALG-476, Circle Arch II. 12.0 meter span (measured). This arch is located on the left side of ALG-475 (Circle Arch I) in the upper inner rock mass. Note that Oued Tananet is visible in the background through the opening. |
ALG-477, In-Abai Natural Bridge, Adrar Area. 38.0 meter span (measured). GPS 29R 578767 2755819. This arch is located in the Adrar Mountains area of the huge Tassili National Park (please do not
confuse the name"Adrar" with "Tadrart" which is located 300 km to the southeast). In Bordj-El-Haoues
town (140 km north of Djanet T-junction) stop at KM post 1974 an the obligatory police checkpoint. Then drive main street (Road N3) north to KM post 1972 (2 km more). 200 meters before KM post 1971, turn left between two houses, cross the Oued and drive the desert track
on the flat for 50 minutes northwest toward Adrar Mountains to the famous In-Thae Guelta (which means "black guelta" in the Tamahaq dialect). In-Thae
Guelta is a splendid pool of water with an abundance of reeds located below a lava waterfall. This is also at the end of the rough 4WD tracks. From there, drive back the way you came for 5 minutes (or 15 minute walk) along the lava canyon of the Oued Tabaket to In-Abai ("the hole" in Tamahaq),
a big lava natural bridge located on the side of Oued Tabaket. Note the author's friend Mohamed
Touggui on the top of the bridge for scale.
ALG-478, In-Amoureden Arch, In-Amoureden area. 8.0 meter span by 6.2 meter height (both measured). GPS 29R 474040 2726716. This arch is located up on the rock on the side of the classic Timras-Tikoubaouine tracks, 600 meters before passing ALG-264 (unnamed arch 62). For landmarks, the arch is located just opposite to a nice small balanced rock on the side of the tracks. Note the author's friend Mohamed Touggui inside the span for scale.
ALG-479, Shepherd Hut Arch, Tilafazo area. Main opening 8.0 meter span, second opening 3.0 meter span (both measured). This double arch is located in Tilafazo area 15 minutes drive northeast of In-Amoureden Arch (ALG-478). Check with your guide and driver. The arch is accessible by jeep. Note the shepherd hut on the foreground. Please do not confuse Tilafaso Area in Tassili-n-Ajjer with Tilafazo Area in Tadrart area (same name but two different geographic areas in the same National Park). The second opening is not visible in the photo. |
ALG-480, Side Tracks Arch, Tilafazo Area. 8.4 meter span (measured). GPS 29R 476981 2729749. This arch is located 200 meters southwest of ALG-479 (Shepherd Hut Arch) next to the jeep tracks. Mohamed Touggui from travel agency Djarat Tours poses beside the opening for scale. |
ALG-481, Akzel Guelta Arch. 8.0 meter span (measured). GPS 29R 473247 2729578. This arch is located near Akzel Guelta (or Aguelman Akzel in Tamahaq dialect). This big pool
(pothole) is located 10 minutes drive from In-Amoureden Arch (ALG-478) or 10 minutes drive from
Tilafazo area by jeep. However the guelta is not directly accessible by jeep. Drive up Oued Tasoutrat
as far as possible (it's a sand trap). Then walk Oued Tasoutrat into the large canyon approximately
20 or 30 minutes (depending where your driver stops the jeep) to the guelta. The guelta can be dry
sometimes, as was the case when the author visited this canyon. Bypass the big pothole via a ledge (easy) and continue up canyon 200 meters. The arch is visible up on the rock on the right. To
access the opening, climb up the ravine with caution (many loose boulders) for 10 minutes. The climb is strenious but does not require rope.The arch is worth the effort of the climb. There is an oustanding view of the area from the bench above the arch. Note the author in the arch for scale. |
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