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Natural Arches of Tassili National Park

Index Page 33 - In-Etouami Area

ALG-17, Moula Moula Arch, In-Etouami Area. 3.2 meter span by 1.7 meter height (measured). From the view of ALG-16 continue east on the burro trail for about 1/2 km. The trail passes close by the right side of this arch. Use this rock arch as a landmark for the next arches. Moula Moula is the Tuareg name for a desert sparrow. This bird is the mascot of the Tuareg people.
ALG-18, Tilted Pillar Arch, In-Etouami Area. 1.5 meter span by 1.5 meter height (estimated). Located 80 meters south of Moula Moula Arch (ALG-17).
ALG-19, Slit Window, In-Etouami Area. 2.5 meter span (estimated). From ALG-18, retrace your steps to Moula Moula Arch (ALG-17) and the trail. Walk west on the main trail a short distance and find a junction with a primitive trail which goes south. Take this primitive trail south for 100 meters. The window is visible on the right (west). Photo taken at sunrise.
ALG-20, Oudad Arch, In-Etouami Area. 9.7 meter span (measured). GPS 32R 571301 2728867. From ALG-19 proceed on the primitive trail south for 200 meters or so and watch for the arch on the right in a hideaway. Oudad means "big horn" or "wild sheep" in Tamahaq. Photo taken at sunset.
ALG-187, Tadeft Arch, In-Etouami Area. 5 meter span (estimated) by 4.7 meter height (measured). From ALG-20, proceed on the trail southwest for about 250 meters to the arch, on the left. Tadeft means "hatchet" in the Tamahaq dialect.
ALG-188, Tafuk Arch, In-Etouami Area. 4.3 meter span (measured). This arch is located immediately behind ALG-187. Tafuk means "sunlight" in the Tuareg language.
ALG-189, Rock Art Arch, In-Etouami Area. 6 meter span (estimated). From ALG-187, proceed southwest and then south on the trail for about 400 meters to the arch, on the right. This is a double arch; both openings can be seen in the photo, but only shows sky through the opening. There is interesting rock art around this arch. Check with your guide. The arch is located just before you leave the Tin-Tazarift reef. If you proceed on this trail you emerge quickly on a desolate flat. This trail leads to the junction with the well-used "donkey's highway", the Sefar - In Itinen - Tamrit trail, and also the Tin-Kani - Jabbaren trail.
ALG-21, Whole String Arch 1, In-Etouami Area. 4.0 meter span (measured). Find this opening on the rock behind Oudad Arch (ALG-20).
ALG-22, Whole String Arch 2, In-Etouami Area. 11.5 meter span (measured). Adjacent to ALG-21. The rock separating the two sections of this arch is disconnected, giving the visual effect of a double opening, but there is really only one opening.
ALG-23, Whole String Arch 3, In-Etouami Area. 3.3 meter span (measured). This third opening is adjacent to ALG-22 (Whole String Arch 2).
ALG-389, Triptych Arch, In-Etouami Area. Span (from left to right) of 1.3, 1.6 and 2.7 meters (measured). This triple opening is located between ALG-187 and ALG-188. The rock containing the triple arch is visible through the opening of ALG-188. A future single arch of 6 meters span is perhaps in the making here.
ALG-390, In-Etouami Arch, In-Etouami Area. 11.6 meter span by 5.1 meter height (both measured). GPS 32R 571371 2728403. This beautiful arch is located on the fin behind ALG-188 (Tafuk Arch). In Tassili a rock mass can easily hide an arch. This is particularly true for this arch. When the author visited this area the first time, he did not look behind the rock and missed this treasure.
ALG-391, Big Eye Arch, In-Etouami Area. 2.6 meter span (measured). This arch is located beside ALG-390. The upper part of ALG-390 is visible through this arch, providing a nice photo opportunity.
ALG-392, unnamed arch 91, In-Etouami Area. 1.5 meter span (estimated). From ALG-390 (In-Etouami Arch), walk 80 meters south to this small arch.
ALG-393, Indentation Arch, In-Etouami Area. 7.8 meter span (measured). This nice arch is located 80 meters south of ALG-392 (unnamed arch 91).
ALG-394, Standing Rock Arch, In-Etouami Area. 4 meter span (estimated). This arch is located 100 meters southeast of ALG-390 (In-Etouami Arch).
ALG-395, Double Support Arch, In-Etouami Area. 5 meter span (estimated). This double arch is located 100 meters northeast of Standing Rock Arch (ALG-394).
ALG-396, unnamed arch 92, In-Etouami Area. 2 meter span (estimated). Find this arch in the same area as ALG-395 (Double Support Arch).
ALG-397, unnamed arch 93, In-Etouami Area. 2 meter span (estimated). This pillar natural arch is located in the same area as ALG-395 (Double Support Arch).
ALG-398, unnamed arch 94, In-Etouami Area. 1.5 meter span (estimated). This small arch is located in the same area as ALG-395 (Double Support Arch).

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