NABSQNO 32R 532562 2717790 Algeria

ALG-262, Timras Arch, Timras Area. 6.0 meter span, 2.0 meter height (measured). GPS 32R 532562 2717790. This arch is located in Timras area in the plain level of the Tassili Spur. The area of Timras can be reached by driving numerous interwining sandy tracks starting near ALG-66, or a longer route from the scenic paved road described with ALG-2 . The arch is accessible by jeep. Consult a guide to know how to get there, or track down the arch with the GPS coordinates provided. Timras means "tooth" in the Tamahaq dialect. This area has natural splendor reminiscent of Monument Valley. Aerial and other photos of the Timras area can be found here.

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