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Natural Arches of Tassili National Park

Index Page 9 - Sefar Low Maze Area - Map 5

ALG-144, Skyline Window, Sefar High Maze Area. 5 meter span by 6 meter height (estimated). GPS 32R 573046 2728569. From ALG-46 proceed on the cairned trail towards Sefar. After a few hundred meters the trail leaves the "reef" and goes outside of the maze. Continue on the trail southeast across slickrock (it is hard to follow on these outcropping rocks) and along the chaotic butte for 2 km or so. Stay close to the outskirts of the "reef". Skyline Window is visible northeast on the butte just past a oued (wash) which enters into the "reef" at this point. From this landmark you leave the Tin Tazarift area and enter the Sefar area. Climbing to the photo vantage is easy but the arch is not accessible.
ALG-110, Spike Heels Arch, Sefar High Maze Area. 12 meter span (measured) by 12 meter height (estimated). GPS 32R 573076 2728569. From the view of ALG-144, retrace your steps to the wash and use the wash to enter the deep labyrinth of Sefar. Once in the maze, turn right and walk on the obvious corridor 200 meters to the arch. In fact, this arch is hidden behind Skyline Window on the corridor floor.

ALG-98, Sunset Arch, Sefar High Maze Area. 5.2 meter span (measured). From the view of ALG-114, proceed southeast on the trail towards Sefar, staying along the side of the "reef" for about 600 meters to the arch, on the left). Photo taken at sunset.

ALG-57, Balanced Rock Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 5.3 meter span, 4.7 meter height (measured). GPS 32R 574961 2727718. From ALG-98, continue on the cairned trail southeast towards Sefar camp for about 15 minutes. Cross a major wash (Oued Sefar) and climb on the other side to the official camp of Sefar (many standing rocks with shelters). From the bivouac area hike the trail east into a corridor of rock towards the main guelta of Sefar. After 150 meters, the trail turns left and passes a nice double arch (uncatalogued). Then the trail turns right and goes to a sandy flat devoid of rocks but with some acacia trees some 100 meters from the double arch. There is a very nice rock art along the way (Buffalo Painting). Cross the sandy flat (east) and find this arch among the rocks on the other side close to a nice balanced rock. In the photo, the shadow inside the arch is on the wall behind the arch. This shadow considerably reduces the apparent span length in the photo. This arch is very nice.
ALG-58, Hippo Head Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 10.3 meter span by 2.7 meter height (measured). GPS 32R 575297 2727966. From the balanced rock close to ALG-57, work your way east for 80 meters to reach a deep corridor. You have to pass under boulders on the way. Once in the corridor, walk northeast and turn right in the first perpendicular corridor. Follow this corridor about 150 meters to a guelta with some furze (water plants). From the guelta climb east up slickrock to an obvious notch in the rock. Cross it and after a bit you arrive in a terrace of rock with an expansive view of the desert plain. ALG-58 is located about 100 meters on the right (east). From the terrace you can see the Akakus Plateau in Libya, 60 km distant.
ALG-142, unnamed arch 12, Sefar Low Maze Area. 1.5 meter height (estimated). Go through ALG-58 and find this arch behind it.
ALG-59, Arch Tower, Sefar Low Maze Area. 4.7 meter span by 2.4 meter height (both measured). GPS 32R 575440 2727773. This arch is visible 300 meters east from the terrace containing ALG-58. Climb down a boulder slope to a large platform of rock, and cross it to the arch. Please do not confuse this name with Tower Arch (ALG-123) in Tin-Aboteka area.
ALG-60, Guelta Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 8 meter span (estimated). From ALG-59, walk northwest across the large platform for about 400 meters to this arch located up on the rock masses. The name comes from the intermittent guelta located below the arch. "Guelta" is the Arab name for a water pool (permanent or intermittent).
ALG-55, Notch Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 5 meter span by 7 meter height (estimated). GPS 32R 574538 2728085. This arch is located beside the famous cairned rock art loop trail called Sefar le Noir ("Black Sefar"). Check with your guide.
ALG-56, unnamed arch 13, Sefar Low Maze Area. 2 meter span (estimated). Find this arch on the left of the rock art trail between the sandy bowl and ALG-55. Very well hidden arch which is hard to find.
ALG-143, Turret Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 7 meter height (estimated). GPS 32R 574769 2727821. Near ALG-427 (unnamed arch 105) on the edge of a sandy flat devoid of rocks, enter the famous cairned rock art loop trail called Sefar le Noir ("Black Sefar"). This entrance corridor is hidden by huge fallen blocks (check with your guide). Hike down the large corridor 80 meters to the arch located up on the rock to the right. This area contains much rock art. One of the finest examples is the "Grand Dieu de Sefar" (Great God of Sefar).
ALG-99, Morning Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 3.8 meter span (measured). From Sefar camp (see ALG-57), walk northeast in the oued for about 250 meters to some acacia trees. Proceed along the wash a bit to two spires. At this point leave the wash and cross the slickrock northeast through numerous blocks (fallen towers) toward the maze entrance. The arch is located on the right.
ALG-100, Hundredth Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 5.5 meter span (large opening, measured), 1.5 meter span by 1.5 meter height (small opening, measured). From the view of ALG-99, proceed northeast to the maze entrance and walk through an obvious corridor which cuts the maze in two parts. I call this the "Avenue" for this reason. The Avenue is the line which separates the Low Maze from the High Maze of Sefar. Walk about 100 meters into the Avenue to a corridor on the right. This arch is located in this corridor. Only one opening is visible in the photo (which was taken in the early morning).
ALG-426, The Castle, Sefar Low Maze Area. 7 meter height (estimated). From ALG-100 return to The Avenue and proceed 100 meters to The Castle, a nice arch that looks like an ancient feudal castle. Note the sun rays behind the arch. This nice picture is only possible near 9 am.
ALG-101, Avenue Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 11.6 meter span (measured). GPS 32R 574732 2728639. From The Castle (ALG-426) walk 150 meters eastward to Avenue Arch on the right. There are some nice sand dunes enshrined in the corridors behind the arch.
ALG-102, Saracen Windows, Sefar Low Maze Area. 2 meter height (estimated). Find this double arch on the reef side about 250 meters east of ALG-101.
ALG-427, unnamed arch 105, Sefar Low Maze Area. 1.5 meter height (estimated). This arch is located on the other side of the sandy flat devoid of rocks described with ALG-57 (Balanced Rock Arch), opposite to the large Buffalo painting. Photo taken late afternoon.
ALG-428, Slot Canyon Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 4.5 meter span (measured). From ALG-427 (unnamed arch 105) walk southeast on the trail toward the well-known guelta of Sefar. After 100 meters, hike up the little sand slope and before entering a little shadowed corridor find the arch on the right of the trail. The arch is located just above the slot canyon which contains a deep water reservoir all year.
ALG-429, Sefar Guelta Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 2.1 meter span, 1.9 meter height (both measured). From ALG-429 (Slot Canyon Arch), return to the trail and enter the little corridor. The arch is located to the left and visible from the trail. Some meters ahead, the trail turns right and climbs down a short rocky steep section followed by a sandy slope to the guelta on the right. This is the final section of the slot canyon. Immediately down stream, the drainage enters a fault slit. In the photo, the arch is viewed from below from a lower level corridor.
ALG-430, unnamed arch 106, Sefar Low Maze Area. 1.5 meter span (estimated). From ALG-143 ( Turret Arch), walk down corridor on the rock art trail 80 meters to the arch on the right.
ALG-431, Five Gazelles Arch, Sefar Low Maze Area. 3.2 meter span, 5.2 meter height (both measured). GPS 32R 574780 2727909. From ALG-430 (unnamed arch 106), turn left on intersecting corridor. The arch is located up on the rock just opposite to Five Gazelles rock art, a fine long panel of whole string large figures. It is possible to climb up to the arch carefully without climbing aids.
ALG-432, unnamed arch 107, Sefar Low Maze Area. 1.5 meter span (estimated). This small arch is located on the side of the rock art loop trail 300 meters north of ALG-431 (Five Gazelles Arch).
ALG-433, unnamed arch 108, Sefar Low Maze Area. 1.6 meter span (measured). This arch is located just beside ALG-432 (unnamed arch 107). Although shown separately, the two small arches can be easily photographed together in the same shot.

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