NABSQNO 11S-697274-3955840

NABSQNO 11S-697274-3955840
Murl Emery Natural Bridge north of Nelson, Nevada
Photo by Jay Wilbur

Example Waterfall Natural Bridge

NABSQNO 11S-697274-3955840. Murl Emery Natural Bridge is an adult waterfall natural bridge cut into mudstone by Techatticup Wash. The source of Techatticup Wash, Bridge Spring, is a rise located a few yards upstream of the natural arch. At some point in the past, the rise was at the natural arch. Roof collapse of a subterranian passage between the natural arch and the current rise, followed by compressional strengthening and weathering, led to the current morphology of the natural arch.

Murl Emery Natural Bridge is named after a prospector and Colorado River explorer. It is located about 1 mile north of Nelson, Nevada, and has a span of 25 feet. Reaching it requires an open desert hike of about a mile.

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Other Waterfall Natural Bridge examples:

Springbrook Natural Bridge Three Turkey Natural Bridge Black Rock Natural Bridge Death Valley Natural Bridge Murl Emery Natural Bridge

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